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Care & Grooming

The Swedish Lapphund should have a functional coat. Yes, it is a profuse double coat, but a proper coat will be easy to maintain with minimal grooming required.

Bathing & Drying

Bathing is only required 1 week before a show or as needed due to blowing of coat or being dirty. These dogs lack a "doggy smell" with a proper coat and are relatively clean dogs with natural protective oils in the coat. Using a force dryer when drying can prevent hotspots and matting


Suggested Products:

  • Chris Christensen Spectrum One Shampoo & Conditioner

  • Metro Air Force Commander Variable Speed Dryer



Swedish Lapphunds should be brushed as needed. Some times this may only be once a week and sometimes this may be every other day (like during a coat blow). Pay close attention to behind ears, the rear "skirt," around the neck near the collar, and the tail. Line combing once a month is beneficial and will help with weekly upkeep. Spayed/neutered dogs will require much more brushing as they are prone to "spay coat."


Suggested Products:

  • Slicker brush

  • Pin Brush

  • Greyhound comb



Swedish Lapphunds should NEVER be trimmed or shaved unless medically necessary. No clippering, scissoring, or trimming is to be done for showing - they are to be shown au naturale. You may trim hair on paws as needed.



Nails should be trimmed weekly or every couple weeks. We suggest dremeling due to their hard black nails.

Your Swedish Lapphund may be born with or without rear dewclaws in either single or double. Here at Norrlands Kennel, the puppies keep what they are born with. Make sure to trim these nails often as they grow quickly.


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